CORVUS CORAX - одна из самых старых и успешных фолк-групп Европы, мастера в области аутентичного средневекового звука. Их концерты - это не только музыка, но и настоящий древний карнавал. Билеты на концерты в Санкт-Петербурге и Москве уже в продаже.
Legendary composer Akira Yamaoka, known for his work on the Silent Hill series, talks about his recent collaborations and future plans in an interview with Moisture. The interview focuses on his bold experiments and unexpected questions, rather than the usual topics. The interview was conducted by Alexey Pavlikhin and designed by the same. Oleg Kolenda and Delta Mekong Concerts provided assistance in conducting the interview. The article recommends attending the upcoming Halestorm concert.